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Golf South Ayshire
The main entrance to Belleisle Park is due to be resurfaced and will be closed to all traffic from Monday 24 January. All vehicles will be able to access the car park via the entrance on Greenfield Avenue. This route will take you past the Childrens play park, therefore the 5MPH speed limit must be …
The Cunningham Rosebowl competition is to be held on Lochgreen Golf Course on Saturday 31st July and is open to all Golf South Ayrshire Season Ticket Holders with a valid WHS Handicap Index. Entry is £10 per person and entry forms can be found HERE.
South Ayrshire Council are developing a new strategy for golf the key themes of which are; investment in course maintenance and improvement; future operating model for golf; golf pricing structure; partnership arrangements between golf clubs and the Council; rights of access to golf courses; and environmental sustainability. We are seeking the views of a wide …