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Golf South Ayshire
The popular Troon Welbeck Open is to be held on Saturday 17th June and played over Lochgreen Golf Course. Click the link below to view the competition poster. Entry is £15 per person and entries close on the 4th June. Welbeck Open flyer 23 To enter: Via the website: By email: or …
As many of you will be aware, Golf South Ayrshire in partnership with South Ayrshire Council’s Ranger Service and Scottish Wildlife Trust was successful in obtaining grant funding from the Scottish Government and Nature Scot as part of a nature restoration project within the Belleisle and Seafield Golf Courses. The project is split into two …
During the recent pandemic lockdowns, Golf Courses the length and breadth of the country witnessed a significant increase in members of the public accessing the fairways to enjoy their daily permitted exercise. Thankfully, recent events appear to be well behind us, and things have mostly returned to normal. With one exception! The health and wellbeing …
The Cunningham Rosebowl and Trophy competitions organised by Troon Welbeck Golf Club played over Lochgreen Golf Course is to be held on Saturday 22nd April 2023. The competition is open to all Golf South Ayrshire Season Ticket Holders with a valid W.H.S handicap. A fee of £10 is payable to enter. There are trophies in …
Why has a new Golf Concession scheme been introduced? South Ayrshire Council agreed a budget for 2023/24 on Wednesday 1st March. Part of that budget included investment of £5M in our golf estate and a review of the Access to Leisure membership discount scheme for both Golf and Sport & Leisure Services. Corporate fees and …
Save the dates for 2023 Ayr Golf Festival 7-11 June 2023 Belleisle/Seafield Golf Courses Featuring the Ayr Golf Festival Championship ***Earlybird Offer closes 10 April 2023 £40 for 5 Guaranteed Rounds (normal price £50) Troon Golf Weekender 25-27 August 2023 Troon Links Featuring the Mills Quaich/Troon Rosebowl Strokeplay Open***Earlybird Offer closes 4 July 2023 £32 …