To create superior guest and member experiences by delivering excellent customer service, facilities and playing surfaces.


To create superior guest and member experiences by delivering excellent customer service, facilities and playing surfaces.

To help us achieve our vision, we work in partnership with a number of organisations including Scottish Golf, PGA, Health and Wellbeing teams and affiliated Golf Clubs.


Golf South Ayrshire has long been recognised as an accessible, affordable and welcoming service. This is cultural and has evolved over a number of years. Consequently our values are at the heart of everything we do and need to be respected in the formulation of any long term strategy, if they are to be maintained:

  • To maintain the ‘spirit of the game’,
  • To be friendly and welcoming to all and deliver a consistently high level of member and visitor experience,
  • To treat all people fairly and with respect,
  • To make our clubhouses and courses welcoming, accessible and affordable for members, their families and their guests,
  • To present our golf courses and clubhouses to a consistently high standard and use environmentally sustainable practices,
  • To support the development of golf, in particular the junior and female progression in sport.


We undertake to:

  • Treat you with courtesy and respect,
  • Be open and honest with you,
  • Respect and value the diversity of our customers,
  • Provide a respectful, professional and helpful service,
  • Aim to get things right first time,
  • Use plain English in our communications,
  • Offer a range of ways in which we can communicate with you,
  • Make it easy for you to access Council services,
  • Hold your personal information securely,
  • Handle information sensitively and confidentially,
  • Keep you up to date with information on our services,
  • Act promptly and deal with your enquiries as quickly as possible,
  • Keep you adequately informed about any enquiry,
  • When we cannot give you what you want – explain why,
  • Ensure employees are appropriately trained,
  • Protect our staff from harassment and abuse,
  • Provide the contact details of the individual or team who will be dealing with your enquiry and the timescales within which it will be dealt with.


GOLF STRATEGY 2022 – 2032

South Ayrshire Council approved a 10 year golf strategy in December 2021.

The following strategic objectives were identified to deliver the Golf Strategy in South Ayrshire 2022-2032:

  • Achieve Golfing Excellence;
  • Evaluate and Remove Obstacles;
  • Create the Environment;
  • Health and Wellbeing;
  • Environmental Sustainability; and
  • Management Control.

A total of 9 functional areas of the service would be assessed, these are:

  1. The Courses;
  2. Memberships;
  3. Marketing;
  4. Development;
  5. Clubhouses;
  6. Ancillary Buildings and Infrastructure;
  7. Sales and Administration;
  8. Financial; and
  9. Governance.

To view the latest update in progress, please click here GOLF STRATEGY UPDATE 24 25